The Women of Madagascar

By Jeannick Minet

The Women of Madagascar
The Women of Madagascar

Favor Skirts

The women of Madagascar demonstrate a creative approach to fashion. Our guest writer, Jeannick Minet, visited Madagascar over the holidays. Madagascar’s culture is a rich combination of various ethnic groups, religions and languages. Jeannick took the following pictures while in Madagascar. The photos show that “Madagascar women in the streets aren’t very stylish. The population is dirt poor and clothing isn’t a high priority.” However the street fashions of Madagascar women favor skirts, love vibrant color, patterns and denims. The women definitely demonstrate a creative approach to fashion in Madagascar.

The Republic of Madagascar is located about 200 miles off the coast of Africa, across the Mozambique Channel in the south Indian Ocean. The climate of Madagascar varies from north to south, east to west with two seasons, dry from April to December and rainy from January to March. Average temperature is 70 (degrees) F in the highlands and 85 (degrees) F on the coast.

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Fashion and CHANGE meets social responsibility!
There is a change happening in Madison, Wisconsin. The fair trade fashion boutique is calledChange. Nikki Anderson is the founder and owner of this eclectic environmental gem and has blended creativity, social responsibility, and fashion. The driving force behind her mission statement is a simple little quote: “You must be the change if you wish to see the change in the world.” Nikki’s boutique takes being socially conscious within the fashion world by storm by helping brands that encourage and represent responsible consumerism while uplifting people’s lives across the globe. She helps educate American consumers on making ethical choices when shopping and creates an accessible fashion space to do so! Nikki has gathered some of the world’s most interesting environmentally and socially conscious vendors and has a created a play land for her customers.


Jeannick Minet

Guest Writer

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