How can I dress like Blair Waldorf?

Blair Waldorf is an ultra feminine style icon. She favors tailored dresses,  statement accessories, and primary colors. Blair loves ballet flats and heels, capes and headbands. She never wears pants, jeans or sneakers. To dress like Blair Waldorf see below: Opt for timeless pieces like tailored dresses, skirts, blazers, and blouses. Incorporate feminine accents such…

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Are headbands a new trend?

Are headbands a new trend? Headbands have been a staple accessory in the fashion world for decades. They have been worn by everyone from Hollywood celebrities to royalty and featured on runways around the world. They are versatile, stylish, practical, and affordable and a way to finish off an outfit.  There are endless styles available;…

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Adorn Your Hair for a Festive Look

Why not adorn your hair? When looking at options for changing your hair, different types of accessories can be a fresh solution. Whenever I feel that “bored with my look” mood surfacing, a quick rummage through my accessory drawer always provides the best remedy in two ways.

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What style of headscarf / headband is pictured?

A headscarf or headband made from a silk scarf is a colorful accessory that adds style to an outfit. Not sure if the scarf pictured has any name other than a head scarf. Head scarfs are usually worn on the head made with a light weight square-shaped scarf. They are tied at the back of…

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