What makeup works with gray hair?

What makeup works with gray hair? Gray hair is very popular today. Gray haired women need more color so they don’t look washed out. Determine your skin tone; warm or cool? Choose colors that flatter your skin tone when selecting makeup colors. Women with cool skin tones look great with a pink that has blue…

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When to Go Gray

When to go gray is different for every woman. First going gray requires a woman to be confident in herself and not be worried about what other people think of her. If you are young when you experience going gray you have the option of covering your gray or letting it grow out. Today attitudes have changed regarding going gray and young women are embracing gray hair color. Looking natural is in-style and usually your natural color hair is most flattering with your skin color.

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What color clothes look good with gray hair?

Gray hair is becoming more popular with females today. If you have gray hair flaunt it! The color gray is a wardrobe neutral color and is a bit softer than black on older women. If you have gray hair wear shades of gray and silver clothing to look stylish and chic. Black, white and jewel…

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