Sexy and/or Conservative?

Sexy and/or conservative a white dress is a summer staple. The color white has a wide range of associations. It can symbolize honesty, purity, femininity, celebration, virginity, optimism, power, confidence, strength and possibly deception. White dresses make a statement but not always reveal much about the wearer.

White clothing appears in profusion during the summer months so it is not surprising that many women in the news, fashionistas and celebrities have been wearing them around the globe.

One huge advantage of white outfits is that you have unlimited accessory and color choices to send the message you want or remain a mystery woman. It’s time to get the white dress out of the closet and have some fun!

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What color shoes & accessories look best with white outfits?
White outfits are like blank canvases. You have an indefinite number of options when it comes to shoe color and accessories. My preference for shoe colors are neutral colors or light colors such as white, bone, beige, nude or metallics. They look great with all white outfits. Then you have many options when it comes to accessories and jewelry. Choose colors that flatter you when picking out accessories. However white outfits work with colored, black or printed shoes also but they will call attention to your feet and legs. When accessorizing colored or print shoes you can pick up the shoe color in your bag and /or jewelry. Stick to two colors with white for example the woman in the photo below is wearing turquoise accessories but has a different color bag.

What Message Are You Sending By The Colors You Wear?

Believe it or not what colors you are wearing can describe how you are feeling and what type of person you are. If you are wearing bold colors such as red or yellow you will be noticed fairly quickly. These colors are  good “attention getters.” You are probably an outgoing, confident, and warm person with high self-esteem.

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