What color hat & shoes should I wear with a steel blue lace dress?

What color hat & shoes should I wear with a steel blue lace dress? A steel blue lace dress is soooooooooo chic.  Steel blue is a blue / gray color combination. Pewter or silver metallic shoes and purse would look fabulous with a steel blue lace dress. The right color blue hat or gray hat will work with silver or pewter color shoes. Black patent leather shoes and black patent leather purse with a gray/silver hat would be another option.

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Accessorize Like the French
The French chic know how to transform their look with accessories. They accessorize to change the look of their neutral color, classic, basic style clothing. French women know how to add a trendy accessory every season.  They accessorize their basics with one or two other colors. They always buy trendy items that go with what they have in their closet.  A good quality bold, splashy color handbag or a trendy detail like a new shade of lipstick will accessorize a basic.

Let’s Talk About Color(s)!
Sometimes a widely announced new color truly does dominate a season, other times  colors seem to come out of nowhere. But have you noticed that in general there seems to be quite a bit of coordination between the clothing world, the gift world, and the industrial/interior design world regarding color? Why?

Fashion Q & A