Glam Up Your look with Chandelier Earrings

Glam Up Your look with Chandelier EarringsGlam Up Your look

Chandelier earrings are awesome on divas of all ages. They are long and many styles swing and move making them stand out and make a statement. These earrings draw attention upward  to your face where it should be and can elongate the appearance of your face and neck.

Choose chandelier earrings that are well-balanced and take into consideration the shape of your face. Women with round faces look best in slim and long styles and should avoid wide, fuller styles. If your face is oblong or narrow in your cheek and chin area you can go with fuller shorter styles.


Glam Up Your look with Chandelier EarringsNarrow Jaw

How long is too long? Consider your hair length and style. Chandelier earrings can also easily get caught in clothing and / or hair. Women with short hair styles will be able to easily wear chandelier earrings without any problem. If you have long hair you will want to wear chandelier earrings with your hair pulled back or up.


Glam Up Your look with Chandelier EarringsHair Up or Pulled Back

What to wear with chandelier earrings. Keep your outfit simple. Chandelier earrings are glamorous and should be worn in the evening and / or dress up events. They are a great way to dress up a casual outfit. If your earrings have a color in them wear them with an outfit that picks up the color in your earrings. Avoid  fabrics like lace or bulky items near your neck or high necklines that earrings can catch on. Never wear a necklace with these earrings, one statement is enough in any outfit. Chandelier earrings are classic style. Always look for quality that will last overtime.


Glam Up Your look with Chandelier EarringsColor in earrings picks up color in outfit.


Avoid styles with a lot of pieces that can tangle.

If worn with long hair down choose simple shorter styles.

Do not wear to the office.

Choose the right size and weight (avoid heavy pieces).