A Girl and Her Heels

shoe_Color-Block-Sandal  shoe_peeptoe_jeweledshoe_hot_pink_gold

Heels Make Me Feel Tall, Lean, Sexy and Confident!

I love wearing heels.  There I said it.

I hate wearing flats.  There I said that too! (I do recognize that there are times when heels are inappropriate….like when I was in India and wore flip-flops and sandals for 5 weeks!).

I would rather be in pain wearing 4 inch Christian Louboutin heels than wearing something more sensible. I only own one pair of these so I wear them ALL the time, well until recently when the heel broke…does anyone know a good cobbler? (my CL’s were a 35th Birthday gift to myself.)

What I do own are lots of other more inexpensive high heels. In fact recently when I cleaned my closet I realized just how many pairs of shoes I owned (0ver 75!!). I had some of them forever and believe me when I tell you…I gave my friend Alex a fight over parting with some of them!! (Which is exactly why I asked her to help me!).

Heels make me feel tall, lean and sexy. (Am I right ladies?). I never feel “ready” for going to work, or going out until I have my high heels on. Our feet (rarely) change size, and I never feel too fat for them like I might with my favorite pair of jeans or dress.But the best thing about wearing heels is that they make me feel confident. In ways makeup can’t and even my clothes can’t.  I don’t know what it is about them…all I know is…I will always, choose DIScomfort over comfort and I will AlWAYS be a girl who will choose heels over flats!!


Heather McAndrew
Guest Writer

Scottish Born (Glasgow), USA bred (Brick NJ). Now living in San Francisco.

