Are anti-aging products the only answer?

Are anti-aging products the only answer?

basics such as moisturizing, sun protection and a healthy lifestyle, contributes to maintaining a more youthful look.

A Guide to Choosing the Perfect Jewelry

Choosing the Perfect Jewelry

 it’s essential to understand how to select the perfect pieces that complement your outfit.


Finding a new look

Finding a New Look!

If you have stocked up on classics, skirts and pants, in a neutral color, just add a new blouse.

Are Neck Scarves in Fashion?

Scarves are timeless and add style and/or color to your ensemble.

Ways to Wear the White Trend!

White fashions are versatile and timeless and can suit any season or occasion.


How can one look stylish when traveling?

How can one look stylish when traveling?

You can look stylish when traveling by wearing an outfit that flatters you. Comfortable clothes that look good on you are the travelers goal.

Jeans with a shirt style blouse, a cardigan sweater, lightweight jacket and flats or low heel shoes make a stylish travel outfit. Solid color pants with a coordinating top, sweater, jacket and comfortable shoes will also look chic.

My preference is a pair of comfortable pants but a comfortable dress or skirt and top can look good if they are accessorized well. To add style to anything you wear, add accessories (a hat, scarf or jewelry).

Liberty Equality Fashion:
The Women Who Styled the French Revolution

“Joséphine Bonaparte, future Empress of France; Térézia Tallien, the most beautiful woman in Europe; and Juliette Récamier, muse of intellectuals, had nothing left to lose. After surviving incarceration and forced incestuous marriage during the worst violence of the French Revolution of 1789, they dared sartorial revolt. Together, Joséphine and Térézia shed the underwear cages and massive, rigid garments that women had been obliged to wear for centuries. They slipped into light, mobile dresses, cropped their hair short, wrapped themselves in shawls, and championed the handbag. Juliette made the new style stand for individual liberty.”

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