The Key to Successful Job Interviewing: Interaction


“Be sure that the interviewer understands you are not just looking for a job but a firm that will allow you to build a career”

Successful job interviewing requires interaction. It is not easy to get a job interview; so make the most of the opportunity.  Here are some suggestions for increasing your odds of turning the interviewer into an advocate for you to be hired.

1. Be sure to conduct the session as a two-way communications.

2. Listen intently to what the interviewer says to determine what are the skills and experiences they are looking for.

3. Try to match your background to those needs.


4. Study Internet information about the firm to help you develop a list of useful questions that show you have done some homework.

5. Ask questions of the interviewer to help them and you decide if this opportunity is a good fit with your ambitions.

6. Be sure to probe what the future opportunities are for advancement within the firm and how the firm plans to grow over the next 5 years.

7. Find out what the next steps are and what you might do to help the firm in deciding in your favor.

8. Be sure that the interviewer understands you are not just looking for a job but a firm that will allow you to build a career.

9. You should not dominate the interviewer’s time but you also need to get your story told. So asking questions whose answers will allow you to highlight your assets is a practical strategy-tactic for balancing the interview.


R. David Silva
Career Editor
