Find the Perfect Hairstyle

Find the Perfect Hairstyle

Unlock the Mystery to your Perfect Hairstyle

A perfect hairstyle is the one that flatters your face shape and helps send a message of who you are.  Are you fun, warm-hearted, innovative and creative, or a good thinker, etc? Jean Haner, an expert in face reading, and author of The Wisdom of Your Face reveals what your hairstyle tells about you. To find the perfect hairstyle use facial elements like eye color, lip shape, forehead shape, and even facial shape to determine your perfect hairstyle. Your eyes, unsurprisingly, are one of the most revealing parts of your face. Your forehead tells you about your character. Lips share your communication style. Your natural hair color can convey a little bit about your character.






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How to Choose a New Hairstyle
Looking for a new hairstyle? Below are some ways to go about the process.  To choose a new hairstyle, start by looking at pictures of hairstyles in magazines and cut out pictures of the ones you like. Then take into consideration the following:
Height – In general taller women can wear longer hairstyles. There are exceptions to everything though.
Age – Long hairstyles make older women look old unless it is worn back and/or up. As you age shorter hairstyles work the best. They make you look younger.

Extend the Richness of Hair Color
As we enter into the height of summer not only are the days growing longer but so is our exposure to the sun’s rays which tends to leave color-treated hair looking a bit lackluster. While I hardly recommend avoiding the enjoyment of the outdoors for the sake of vanity, the public image of many is a vital component of daily business and a professional appearance must be maintained. Fortunately, there are a variety of solutions that come in the form of simple maintenance that can extend the richness of hair color between regular appointments.