Office Fashion and Etiquette


Sheryl Sandberg
Facebook COO

Fashion, your appearance and office etiquette, say a multitude about you and can determine how far up the ladder of success you’ll be going. When it comes to fashion at your office know what position and / or title you want to achieve and dress for that position. The way you present yourself says whether you are ” on the ball”. Below are some fashions to aviod at the office if you are serious about a career:

  • Footwear – flip flops, sneakers, Crocs, Uggs or hooker heels
  • Legwear – fishnet stockings or footless leggings
  • Clothing – hats, sweatshirts, sweatpants, yoga pants, leather pants, sequins, lace, velour pants /tops and message tees. Other clothing that is inappropriate are short skirts or sheer blouses, or tops with low necklines /cleavage, hot pants or cut offs. Any clothing that is too tight is absolutely in bad taste. Bra straps should be hidden.
  • Jewelry – loud or too many pieces of bling are not appropriate at work.

Appearace or the way you look means being clean and well groomed avoiding too much makeup or no makeup and tattoos should be covered. Strong perfume , wet hair and grooming such as nail filling or nail cutting in the office are turn offs and should be done at home or in the washroom. Gum chewing can be offensive and is not flattering.

Etiquette means being polite and considerate of others in the workplace. It also means getting to work on time and responding to emails and requests in a timely manner.


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