Finding a Perfect Prom Dress

Finding a perfect prom dressPerfect Prom Dress
Comfortable & Confident

Finding a perfect prom dress means planning ahead. Begin by searching magazines and online to see what is available and get an idea of what’s out there, what you like, and price ranges. Then you can set a budget (ballpark figure) for what you need to spend. Keep in mind you’ll need shoes, jewelry, a purse, and a wrap in addition to a prom dress. These items should be included in your budget. If you are getting your hair done and a manicure and pedicure will need to be included also.

After you have done some research you will want to go shopping for a prom dress and try on an assortment of beautiful prom dresses. Try different styles, lengths, colors, fabrics, and finishes to get an idea of what styles are most flattering on you. (The average girl tries on at least 20 prom dresses.) It’s a good idea to bring your mother or a friend for some moral support and feedback. Once you think you have found the perfect prom dress you will need good fitting undergarments and your dress may need a few alterations to get the perfect fit.

Besides finding that beautiful prom dress be sure you feel comfortable in it and confident wearing it so you can have a great time.

Where to Shop
For a Prom Dress:

Budget For Prom:

Department stores Dress
Boutiques Shoes
Ebay Jewelry
Vintage stores Purse
Manicure and pedicure
Under garments
Alterations if necessary

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Choosing Jewelry for Your Prom Dress
The style, neckline, and color of your prom dress and your hair color go into the decision-making when choosing jewelry to go with your prom dress. Also, you do not have to wear matching earrings and necklaces. You can mix it up. Plan ahead and try some different types of jewelry with your prom dress, shoes and purse and do a mirror test before you decide on jewelry. 

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